About The E-Book

Taking care of the Little Foxes is a step by step guide for individuals who want to take care of themselves as they desire to better manage the next steps of their career.

It will teach you some useful tips to improve the way you see yourself, those around you and most of all how to adjust your perspective as
you embark upon your career journey while reflecting on your strengths and all you have to offer your next client or organization.

If you are suffering from work related stress or grief or have been recently terminated and cannot describe your feelings then this is the eBook for you. Are you struggling with self-doubt after being out
of the marketplace for a long time? Or are you about to step into a coaching session with your boss and you are experiencing anxiety?

These are the “little foxes” that you need to address. Inspired by men and women who were caught off guard by the grief they felt after leaving a job, you will find the necessary tools to work through these emotions and make the transition to a more focused, happier you – once you take care of all the little foxes.

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